Central’s Commitments

The Four-Year Graduation Commitment

Central College is so committed to you and your future, we offer a Four-Year Graduation Commitment. We believe so strongly in our approach to educating and advising students, we pledge we will cover the cost of tuition for one additional semester if our shared academic plan does not result in your graduation in four years.

How does it work? Our academic advisors will help you create an academic plan to enable you to graduate in four years or less. If you follow the plan and still don’t graduate on time, Central will pay for tuition during a ninth semester.

To take advantage of Central’s Four-Year Graduation Commitment, your responsibilities are to:

  • Complete 30 credits per year. Summer and transfer credits may qualify.
  • Declare a major no later than the spring semester of sophomore year and complete all courses required for the major during the four-year period.
  • Meet with your academic advisor prior to registration each semester.
  • Complete all required courses for the core during the four-year period.
  • Remain in good academic standing.
  • Make up any credits lost as a result of failing or withdrawing from a course during the four-year period.

Engineering major special considerations:

  • Complete 34 credits per year. Summer and transfer credits may qualify.
  • Met pre-requisite for Central’s Calculus 1 prior to enrollment.
  • Met minimum grade requirements in all coursework for program advancement.

Central will pay for a ninth semester tuition if you meet these requirements and still do not complete your degree in four years by offering you a grant to cover tuition (after federal and state financial aid have been credited). Students who enter the ninth semester are required to apply for financial aid and file the FAFSA.


The Four-Year Graduation Commitment does not apply if a student:

  • Changes majors after the second semester of sophomore year.
  • Elects additional majors, minors or education endorsements.
  • Withdraws for a semester due to personal, financial or other reasons.
  • Is placed on probation, suspension or expelled from the college.

The Transfer Graduation Commitment

If you transfer to Central College, we will do everything to help you graduate on time. We know you want to put your earning power to work.

To our transfer students, we believe so strongly in our approach to educating and advising students, we pledge we will cover the cost of tuition for one additional semester if the academic plan we create with you at the time you enroll at Central does not result in your graduation in the determined timeline.

How does it work? You’ll meet with an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office to determine a graduation timeline based on the degree you are pursuing. Your academic plan will include a schedule of courses needed for you to graduate on time. For transfer students, a timely graduation will differ for each student, and will depend on the credits transferred to Central.

After we work with you to create an academic plan, your responsibilities are to:

  • Complete 30 credits per year. Summer and transfer credits may qualify.
  • Declare a major no later than the spring semester of sophomore year and complete all courses required for the major as outlined in the academic plan created with an academic advisor and registrar’s office upon enrollment.
  • Meet with the academic advisor prior to registration each semester.
  • Complete all required courses for the core as outlined in the academic plan created with an academic advisor and registrar’s office upon enrollment.
  • Remain in good academic standing.
  • Make up any credits lost as a result of failing or withdrawing from a course during the four-year period.

Engineering major special considerations:

  • Complete 34 credits per year. Summer and transfer credits may qualify.
  • Met pre-requisite for Central’s Calculus 1 prior to enrollment.
  • Met minimum grade requirements in all coursework for program advancement.


The Transfer Graduation Commitment does not apply if a student:

  • Changes majors after the second semester of sophomore year.
  • Elects additional majors, minors or education endorsements.
  • Withdraws for a semester due to personal, financial or other reasons.
  • Is placed on probation, suspension or expelled from the college.

Central will pay tuition for an additional semester if you meet these requirements and do not complete your approved academic plan by offering you a grant to cover tuition (after federal and state financial aid have been credited). Students who enter the additional semester must apply for financial aid and file the FAFSA.

The Career Readiness Commitment

Central College understands how vital career readiness opportunities can be in determining your future career. We want you to have the opportunity to put everything you are learning at Central to work.

To that end, the college makes available to all full-time students in good academic and social standing at least one internship, job shadowing experience or community service experience. To access Central’s Career Readiness Commitment, contact the Career and Professional Development Office.

Welcome Week 2023

Welcome to the family, Central College Class of 2027! Let’s have an amazing year.

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