Dutch Brigade

Dutch Brigade at a Central College football game.

The Dutch Brigade is a service organization that helps engage and connect alumni, the community, faculty, staff and students through athletics and other events on and off campus.

What started off as a few students coming together to cheer on and support friends, classmates and teammates has become a fully-functioning service organization and group of ambassadors for the college decked out in red and white bibs. The Dutch Brigade represents the college and its student body in a positive manner. Brigade members exemplify the commitment, passion and diehard love for the college that is seen throughout the Central College Community.

Contact Information

X: @CUIDutchBrigade
Facebook: @DutchBrigade
Instagram: @cuidutchbrigade
Email: dutchbrigade@gmail.com

On Key

Trey Hull ’26 knew that he didn’t want to choose between his interests. He discovered that at Central College, he really can be part of it all.

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