Find in-depth financial aid information at the following websites:
- Free Scholarship Search
- Links to Tax Credits, Loan Counseling, etc.
- Saving for College – Independent 529 Plan
- Direct Loan – Entrance/Exit Counseling
- FinAid!
- Iowa College Student Aid Commission
- Hope and Lifetime Learning Tax Credit Information
- Tax Benefits and New Midwestern Disaster Areas
- Loan forgiveness/ cancellation for teachers
Financial Aid Websites — Electronically sign and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). — Access the National Student Loan Data System, where you can review your financial aid history, including awards of federal grants as well as your student loans. — Complete Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and the entrance and exit counseling requirements. Complete the Direct PLUS loan request and the Master Promissory Note. — This site offers information about federal financial aid programs. You can access a repayment calculator to estimate your monthly payments based on your actual federal student loan balance.
TEACH grant — Complete your TEACH grant counseling requirements and submit your TEACH grant Agreement to Serve.